L-AOWD® : Locards - Advanced Organic Waste Digester
Locards Ltd have developed an alternative for the disposal of controlled drugs, narcotics and pharmaceuticals. The L-AOWD® : Locards - Advanced Organic Waste Digester uses aerobic digestion by thermophilic bacteria to totally destroy and denature any drug or pharmaceutical substance in an environmentally friendly and ethical manner.
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How the L-AOWD® Works:
The operator loads controlled drugs, narcotics or pharmaceuticals into the L-AOWD® machine via the integrated hopper and shredder. Any outer wrapping or evidence packaging doesn’t even need removing.
The computer-controlled aerobic digestion process inside the L-AOWD® machine destroys and denatures the controlled drugs and narcotics by the action of thermophilic bacteria. The end product (digestate) is totally safe and cannot be reverse engineered back into controlled substances.
Our range of L-AOWD® machines are designed to be safe, completely auditable, and very easy to use. An operator can process between 600KG and 5 tonnes of controlled drugs and narcotics in a single day.
After 24 hours, the controlled drugs and narcotics have been destroyed and denatured into a safe organic digestate. This may be pelletised and used as a biomass fuel, a soil additive, or disposed of as commercial waste.
Why L-AOWD® instead of high temperature incineration or other disposal options?
- Our aerobic process is simpler - reducing installation and operating costs.
- Immediate on-site processing improves the working environment.
- Volume reductions are significant.
- Our machines can easily be moved or configured to your changing requirements.
- Safe end product.
How L-AOWD® delivers cost savings and best value:
- Reduction or elimination of transport costs of controlled drugs & narcotics.
- No requirement for escort personnel or witnesses.
- Process is controlled within your existing evidence management system.
- Fully auditable disposal process.
Why you should use Locards for drug and pharmaceutical disposal operations:
- Our solution protects the environment.
- We deliver a bespoke approach to promote economic and environmental sustainability.
- Our solution reduces operating costs and mitigates risk to employees & the general public.
- Eliminates risks from open burning.
- Our solution provides a clean and ethical way to dispose of controlled drugs & pharmaceuticals.
Request your free consultation today
Contact us today for a free L-AOWD® consultation. We work worldwide with a variety of government agencies, law enforcement organisations, and the private sector. Locards Ltd will be pleased to discuss your project requirements.